Empowerment - Integrity - Results

GWF Founders and Visionaries

Yet to be launched Global Wealth Factor is positioned for exponential growth. Therefore this year could prove to be a life changing year for people who choose to become involved with marketing Global Wealth Factor.

Global Wealth Factor was founded by a two gentlemen who joined forces to expand on
their respective specialties; Kyle Nichols and Chad Warren who already have two successful businesses under their belts and have now formulated a third. This is extremely encouraging for those who choose to associate themselves with these highly successful leaders in the networking industry.

Kyle and Chad have already pulled off one of the biggest successes in the Home Based Business Industry when they launched their second business known as Secret Stash Factory in November of 2010 as it has become an extremely successful business among Internet and Network Marketers.

At this time of economic uncertainty Kyle and Chad have come to the forefront to
offer an economical way for anyone to succeed in their own home based networking
business, which will allow anyone with the desire to succeed and change their own economy to do so. Global Wealth Factor will become the standard by which future business programs will be designed.

A little more about Kyle Nichols and Chad Warren

Kyle Nichols
* Management Information
* CK Web Systems Owner
* Major League Baseball Player

Kyle Nichols; a professional baseball player of 11 years has a successful history
as an Affiliate Marketer. He has a proven track record in Internet and Network Marketing.
He has years of experience with Web design, multimedia and business administration.
Kyle is also co-founder and Vice- President of CK Web Systems, Inc.

Chad Warren
* Web Designer/Developer
* Interactive Media Expert
* Search Engine Marketing

Chad Warren an internet marketing mentor and business coach brings a lot to this partnership with a background in web development as well as freelance web designer and entrepreneur. Chad is co-founder with Kyle of CK Web Systems, Inc. and serves as Chief Technology Officer.

As co-founders; Kyle Nichols and Chad Warren possess the knowledge, expertise and resources to lead and facilitate the growth of Global Wealth Factor. Considering their financial investment as well as their invested effort, and reputations it's easy to understand that Global Wealth Factor will be around for the long term.

This well thought out and put together system is a solid tool for the average person to generate five, six or seven figure income. This time to look at GWF is now as this is a true ground floor opportunity and it is positioned for exponential growth.